Create attractive, green and biodiverse streets
Key objectives
Create high quality public realm
- Green space, planting and street trees should be integrated into the public realm.
- Streets should be welcoming places that prioritise people and adhere to the principles of ‘healthy streets’.
- Play space will be provided and existing play spaces in Victoria Park improved.
- Opportunities for food growing will be explored.
Ecology and biodiversity
- Development proposals and public realm interventions will achieve at least 10 per cent biodiversity net gain.
- Areas of planting will be connected to provide an attractive network of green infrastructure.
Water management
- Sustainable drainage features will be incorporated into the public realm to better manage surface run-off.
High quality public realm and green infrastructure is vital for creating a socially, environmentally and economically sustainable neighbourhood.
The regeneration area is dominated by hardstanding and buildings with little ecological value. There is an opportunity for significant biodiversity improvement.
Existing street trees should be retained and the provision of new street trees will be required along the principal streets, in areas of public realm, and on development plots. New street trees will be accommodated in a planting corridor.
Green infrastructure will be joined up in a coherent manner across the Whitehouse Street regeneration area, including public realm and highways, to create a network of planting that connects to the neighbouring green spaces to create new and improved ecological corridors.
Some areas of the carriageway will be able to be reclaimed as pocket parks or improved public space, including a new open space at the heart of the regeneration area.
Public realm and green infrastructure strategy plan
- Central plaza.
- New community growing space.
- New street trees and planting along streets.
- Improvements to existing play areas.
- Pocket parks/ landscaped areas.
- New pedestrian streets.