13 May 2024

Victoria Park Skate and Wheels Park Redevelopment: A Collaborative Community Effort

Bristol’s first purpose-built skatepark in over two decades has opened in Victoria Park, Windmill Hill. The redevelopment of the skatepark was made possible in part by the Area Committee Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) associated with the East Bedminster regeneration projects.

The project’s initiator, skater Daniel Higginson, has long advocated for rejuvenating Bristol’s “forgotten skatepark.” His efforts, along with Victoria Park Action Group, culminated in securing £150,000 for the project through grant applications, crowdsourcing, and the Area Committee CIL.

CIL is a levy on new developments in the city, with 85% of CIL funds used to pay for strategic city-wide projects delivered by Bristol City Council, such as improving roads and schools. The other 15% of CIL funds are made available for local infrastructure improvements and community projects, with councillors deciding how the money is allocated. In this case, the local CIL allocation contributed significantly to the skatepark project, reflecting Bristol City Council’s commitment to investing in local communities.

In addition to the local CIL, a further £191k was granted for Victoria Park through Strategic Community Infrastructure Levy. This funding is being used to re-landscape and provide accessible play around the skatepark and in the existing play areas.

The new skate and wheels park has transformed a redundant play area and vastly improved the skate and wheels riding offer in the park and to the City as a whole. The overwhelming public support for the skatepark underscores the demand for accessible, permanent skate facilities in Bristol. The redevelopment of the Victoria Skate and Wheels Park is a testament to the power of community collaboration and the importance of investing in local infrastructure.

How the Area Committee CIL Works

The Area Committee CIL is a levy that is charged on new developments in certain areas of Bristol. The CIL is calculated based on the size and type of development. The levy is used to fund local infrastructure and community projects, such as the Victoria Skate and Wheels Park redevelopment.

The Area Committee CIL is a valuable tool for funding local infrastructure and community projects. The levy helps to ensure that new developments – like the East Bedminster Regeneration projects – contribute to the local area and that communities have access to the facilities and services they need.

Skaters using the new equipment in Victoria Park. Trees and houses in the background.

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