A network of spaces
The Green will be enhanced and better connected as part of a green infrastructure network with planting and trees providing links to Victoria Park, St John’s Churchyard, Windmill Hill City Farm and smaller spaces. Together with community venues these will continue to be focal points, supported by residents.
Beyond the public spaces, private and communal spaces within each urban block will provide important amenity space for new residents. These will be designed to be safe and inviting, including gardens, courtyards, terraces, balconies and roof gardens.
Key objectives
Each new space will draw on its location, scale and micro-climate to create spaces ranging from those to pass through or linger to places for meeting others and for events.
Spaces will incorporate sustainable drainage, provide areas of shade to help address increasing temperatures and enhance the natural habitat.
Create a network of attractive spaces for relaxation, meeting others and connecting with nature. Public spaces should be truly public and welcoming for everyone.
Incorporate flexible space within buildings for community activity and use by businesses and local organisations, to enhance community infrastructure.

Diagram taken from Bedminster Green Place-Making Framework (2019)
Framework quick links
Illustration: Diagrammatic only; not to scale or in proportion. All precedents and ideas are only one possible approach and do not preclude alternative approaches that address the same challenges.
You can read the full Bedminster Green Framework.