Human scale for Dalby Avenue
The framework sets out guidance for creating a high-quality environment for walking and cycling. We will provide connecting routes beyond Bedminster Green, including to the city centre and Temple Quarter. We will enhance existing routes with strong building frontages, more direct connections, and a high-quality public realm. Streets and spaces will be designed for all – different generations, mobility and sensory abilities – which facilitates and improves sustainable travel choices. Amenities, facilities and public facing uses, such as shops and cafés, will be accessible and appropriate to the needs of the community.
Key objectives
Adaptable avenue
Dalby Avenue needs to be prepared for future transport needs, including bus lanes and cycle facilities.
Routes, bus stops and bus lanes will be effective and convenient while not restricting cyclists and pedestrians.
Highways project
The Dalby Avenue highways project will deliver a joined-up approach to improve the public realm with street trees, high quality street furniture and appropriate materials.

Diagram taken from Bedminster Green Place-Making Framework (2019)
Framework quick links
Illustration: Diagrammatic only; not to scale or in proportion. All precedents and ideas are only one possible approach and do not preclude alternative approaches that address the same challenges.
You can read the full Bedminster Green Framework.