23 August 2024

Malago Road and Dalby Avenue – your questions answered

Malago Road and Dalby Avenue reopened to two-way traffic on Friday 9 August.

Dalby Avenue and Malago Road are being transformed to make it easier for residents to walk/wheel, cycle and use public transport in South Bristol. The remainder of the construction work is due to complete on schedule at the end of August 2024.

We’ve received lots of questions from residents since the 9 August, find out more about the plans since the road re-opened:

Trees and nature

New street trees will be planted in verges between the updated wider pavements. Sustainable drainage is now in place to help rainwater runoff from overwhelming the sewer systems and to supply water to the planted areas.

The trees and general planting are yet to be completed because trees have to be planted in the winter. Plants are to be placed around many of the trees, so to avoid them being damaged during the tree planting, the low-level plants will also be planted in winter.

Dean Lane

Dean Lane was closed to traffic approaching Coronation Road to facilitate the Malago Road works diversion in 2022 and, as part of the Bedminster Green development, there is also Section 106 money held for improvement works to Dean Lane. Section 106 funds are often used specifically for highways improvements, parks improvements, and tree planting.

The South Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood consultation is currently live until midnight on Sunday 13 October 2024 and we invite local residents to share their aspirations for the future of Dean Lane as part of the consultation.

St John’s Road

St John’s Road has been reclosed to through traffic. This was temporarily reopened while the improvement works were going on so that residents could maintain access to the businesses in the trading estate.

As the Bedminster heat network progresses and once the temporary energy centre on St John’s Road has been removed, Vattenfall will work with local residents on plans to reinstate the barrier.

East Street

While there is a new segregated inbound bus lane on Malago Road, there are currently no plans to remove local buses from East Street.

The Malago Road works have futureproofed the area and could allow for buses to be rerouted from East Street in the future, this is subject to consultation with residents and businesses.


If you have any questions about Malago Road and Dalby Avenue, please get in touch with us by emailing: eastbedminster@bristol.gov.uk

If you have any questions about the Bedminster heat network, please get in touch with Vattenfall by emailing: bristol.enquiries@vattenfall.com

View o Dean Lane showing the temporary planters restricting vehicle access onto Coronation Road

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