7 August 2024

Windmill Hill City Farm goats are looking forward to moving into new pen

The goats at Windmill Hill City Farm will be moving into a new improved home in preparation for the Bedminster Green Highways Improvement works. Along with expanding the goat’s home, the new location of the pen means that the goats are a safe distance away from the improvement works taking place along the nearby road.

The highways project includes new and upgraded pedestrian and cycle crossings, new and improved cycle lanes, resurfaced roads and pavements, more street trees and planting, wider pavements, and sustainable urban drainage.

The goats are looking forward to moving into their new pen, built by Bristol City Council’s highways team and ETM, the construction contractors. The farm’s residents are sure to be very happy with the improvements in their new home, which is larger and has more facilities than their current one, and local residents will be able to enjoy the local improvements in the future as well.

You can find out more about the farm here www.windmillhillcityfarm.org.uk.

Goat at Windmill Hill City Farm

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